Japanese Kyokushin Yokohama Tanaka Group

  /  Japanese Kyokushin Yokohama Tanaka Group

To overseas Karate teacher, Karate dojo managers

Kyokushin Karate is A Gentleman’s Martial Art, a martial art originating from Japan, is often misunderstood as a brutal and aggressive form of combat. However, this perception couldn’t be further from the truth. Karate, when practiced with the right mindset and principles, is a gentleman’s martial art that embodies discipline, respect, and self-control.

Kyokushin Karate’s history dates back to the Okinawa Karate, which it evolved from various martial arts styles, including Chinese and indigenous Okinawan traditions.

Karate is built on a foundation of seven core principles: A set of seven precepts that guide karate practitioners, including seeking perfection of character, defending the way of truth, and cultivating courage.

Etiquette and respect, demonstrated through bowing, addressing instructors, and treating others with dignity. We call it ” rei”.

Perseverance and determination, essential for overcoming challenges and achieving success.
Makoto: Sincerity and honesty, reflected in a practitioner’s commitment to their training and personal growth.
We call it ” Osu”.

To embark on a journey of self-discovery and mastery of authentic Japanese Budo Karate =Kyokushin Karate, visit the esteemed dojo at Yokohama Japan.

As a premier institute for research and development in martial arts, offers a unique opportunity to learn from the best.
Under the guidance of Shihan Akihiro Tanaka, a distinguished expert with 47 years of experience in the Japanese Karate , you’ll gain unparalleled insight into the traditional techniques and philosophies of Japanese Kyokushin Karate.

Join the Kyokyshin Kaikan Yokohama Tanaka Group community and discover a path that combines physical discipline, mental toughness, and spiritual growth.

Visit us at and experience the authentic tradition of Japanese Kyokushin Karate.

Contact Information:
Phone: +81 80 6781 6658
Email: amino1958@yahoo.co.jp
Website: https://kyokushin-hamaiyokoao.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/y7_r5_k4

In order to become a Japanese Kyokushin Karate Dojo Master

How to Join the Japanese Kyokushin Yokohama Tanaka Group. Please read the details below.

1. Rules and regulations
If you have black belt, Pls send us the photo of your certification. we have to know who certificated. And also send us YouTube video of your dojo training.

2. Affiliation charge is US $300.
we decide the Country representative, or branch chief at the executive meeting of Kyokushin Yokohama Tanaka Group Japan, which include the fare of shipping the certificate goods to foreign country.

3. Dan certificate charge is us $300.
We need sending costs and making belt costs with Japanese embroidery of one‘s name, which include the fare of shipping to foreign country also.

For payments, you can choose from the two methods below:

1. By Wire Transfer 

Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
Godogaisha O-Some
Account no.: 0377363 
Type: Ordinary 
Branch: Aobadai 

2. By Paypal

(Please note that an additional handling fee of 3.60% + ¥40 will be added on the total amount)

Best regards.
Chairperson / Akihiro Tanaka


極真空手道場|極真会館 横浜田中道場|横浜・青葉区‐あざみ野、たまプラーザ、江田、鴨志田、鉄町、大場町、桜台、みたけ台、青葉台、藤が丘、黒須田、荏子田、すすき野、市ケ尾、元石川、新石川、長津田、長津田町、十日市場、つきみ野、すずかけ台、南町田、つくし野、恩田、田奈、川和、荏田、荏田西、川崎多摩区生田、南生田、川崎宮前区菅生、犬蔵、水沢、三田、初山、潮見台、川崎多摩区長沢、東百合丘、王禅寺、護身術、空手教室、キッズカラテ



〒225-0003 横浜市青葉区新石川4-32-12

エスポワールMK B1

E-mail: amino1958@ezweb.ne.jp

Tel. No.: 080-6781-6658
