横浜市青葉区の空手教室、青葉極真空手クラブ 極真会館 横浜田中道場。しつけ・礼儀・護身術など。子供から一般・シニアまで通って頂けます。あざみ野、新石川、青葉台、すすき野、長津田、,みすずが丘、みたけ台、稗原練、鷲ヶ峰、たまプラーザ、江田

  /  代表のブログ   /  BLACK BELT

File:Karatedo.svg   WHAT  IS  KARATE?  

            WHAT  IS  BLACK BELT? 


You will know all of it in the movie ” kuro Obi

                 Subtitulada en Español (completa)


You can join the karate lesson in YOKOHAMA/JAPAN.

   PHONE / 080-6781-6658  Mr.Tanaka

   Call me soon!


    Aobadai class / Sat 10:30-12:00am

                           Sun 13:30-15:00pm

   Misuzugaoka class / Sat 15:15-16:45pm

                                Sun 10:00-11:30am

   Azamino class / Sat 17:30-19:00pm

   Susukino class / Sun 16:30-18:00pm



See also: Okinawan kobudo and Japanese martial arts. Philosophical and strategic concepts

Karate can be practiced as an art, as a sport, as a combat sport, or as self defense training. Traditional karate places emphasis on self-development. Modern Japanese style training emphasizes the psychological elements incorporated into a proper attitude such as perseverance, fearlessness, virtue, and leadership skills. Sport karate places emphasis on exercise and competition. Weapons is important training activity in some styles of karate.

Karate training is commonly divided into kihon (basics or fundamentals), kata (forms), and kumite (sparring).


Main article: Kihon

Karate styles place varying importance on kihon. Typically this is performance in unison of a technique or a combination of techniques by a group of karateka. Kihon may also be prearranged drills in smaller groups or in pairs.


Main article: Karate kata

Kata  means literally “shape” or “model.” Kata is a formalized sequence of movements which represent various offensive and defensive postures. These postures are based on idealized combat applications. The applications applied in a demonstration with real opponents is referred to as a Bunkai. The Bunkai shows how every stance and movement is used. Bunkai is a useful tool to understand a kata.

To attain a formal rank the karateka must demonstrate competent performance of specific required kata for that level. The Japanese terminology for grades or ranks is commonly used. Requirements for examinations vary among schools.


Main article: Kumite

Sparring in Karate is called kumite. It literally means “meeting of hands.” Kumite is practiced both as a sport and as self-defense training.

Levels of physical contact during sparring vary considerably. Full contact karate has several variants. Knockdown karate (such as Kyokushin) uses full power techniques to bring an opponent to the ground. In Kickboxing variants ( for example K-1), the preferred win is by knockout. Sparring in armour (bogu kumite) allows full power techniques with some safety. Sport kumite in many international competition under the World Karate Federation is free or structured with light contact or semi contact and points are awarded by a referee.

In structured kumite, two participants perform a choreographed series of techniques with one striking while the other blocks. The form ends with one devastating technique.

In free sparring, the two participants have a free choice of scoring techniques. The allowed techniques and contact level are primarily determined by sport or style organization policy, but might be modified according to the age, rank and sex of the participants. Depending upon style, take-downs, sweeps and in some rare cases even time-limited grappling on the ground are also allowed.

Free sparring is performed in a marked or closed area. The bout runs for a fixed time (2 to 3 minutes.) The time can run continuously or be stopped for referee judgment. In light contact or semi contact kumite, points are awarded based on the criteria: good form, sporting attitude, vigorous application, awareness/zanshin, good timing and correct distance. In full contact karate kumite, points are based on the results of the impact, rather than the formal appearance of the scoring technique.

Dojo Kun

Main article: Dojo kun

In the bushidō tradition dojo kun is a set of guidelines for karateka to follow. These guidelines apply both in the dojo (training hall) and in everyday life.


極真空手道場|極真会館 横浜田中道場|横浜・青葉区‐あざみ野、たまプラーザ、江田、鴨志田、鉄町、大場町、桜台、みたけ台、青葉台、藤が丘、黒須田、荏子田、すすき野、市ケ尾、元石川、新石川、長津田、長津田町、十日市場、つきみ野、すずかけ台、南町田、つくし野、恩田、田奈、川和、荏田、荏田西、川崎多摩区生田、南生田、川崎宮前区菅生、犬蔵、水沢、三田、初山、潮見台、川崎多摩区長沢、東百合丘、王禅寺、護身術、空手教室、キッズカラテ



〒225-0003 横浜市青葉区新石川4-32-12

エスポワールMK B1

E-mail: amino1958@ezweb.ne.jp

Tel. No.: 080-6781-6658
