横浜市青葉区の空手教室、青葉極真空手クラブ 極真会館 横浜田中道場。しつけ・礼儀・護身術など。子供から一般・シニアまで通って頂けます。あざみ野、新石川、青葉台、すすき野、長津田、,みすずが丘、みたけ台、稗原練、鷲ヶ峰、たまプラーザ、江田

  /  代表のブログ   /  ILFRACOMBE

Riches,  I hold in light esteem.  And love,  I laugh to scorn.  And lust of fame was but a dream.

That vanished with the morn.   And if I pray, the only prayer.  That moves my lips for me,

Is “Leave the heart that now I bear, and give me liverty.”

Yes, as my swift days near  their goal,  “Tis all that I implore – Through life and death,

a chainless soul.  With courage to endure! ”       Emily is still here in Haworth,  the north country

of England.  Just 4 hours from London.  Hoping to spend the day at there , taking Bronte seat,

Bronte Pasonage Museum.  Top Withens,   and Haworth Parish Church,  and after that

It’s better to visit Southwest of  England,  They say  “Land’s End”.  I f you have a chance to get there,

The most famous open-air theatre, You should visit.  That’s The Minack Theatre is, in Penzance.

In fact, it was just under eighty years ago that there was nothing there except a sloping gully of gorse

and heather and below that, the sea of the Atlantic Ocean. Miss Cade was the senior trustee.

Much of her life’s work had been dedicated to creating, building, carving and caring for “My beloved theatre”.

Ilfracombe is located at northeast side  of Penzance , around 100miles away,  We might meet with Mr.James Allen

at there , if you could get a time travel ticket  to the year of 1900.  You’re really lucky to have  the  round ticket 


between the year of 1818  and  1912,  You might have a chance to meet with Heathcliff and Catherine also.


They haven’t aged  a bit,  I presume.    But they have  become more forgetful because of their ages.  

In any case, I don’t know about ancient times,  but no one will believe such a superstition today.


Simply because, we rarely come across such a case. That was why I did not want to tell.  So what? 


I could swear,  I have met them somewhere before.  It’s real, not imaginary.


極真空手道場|極真会館 横浜田中道場|横浜・青葉区‐あざみ野、たまプラーザ、江田、鴨志田、鉄町、大場町、桜台、みたけ台、青葉台、藤が丘、黒須田、荏子田、すすき野、市ケ尾、元石川、新石川、長津田、長津田町、十日市場、つきみ野、すずかけ台、南町田、つくし野、恩田、田奈、川和、荏田、荏田西、川崎多摩区生田、南生田、川崎宮前区菅生、犬蔵、水沢、三田、初山、潮見台、川崎多摩区長沢、東百合丘、王禅寺、護身術、空手教室、キッズカラテ



〒225-0003 横浜市青葉区新石川4-32-12

エスポワールMK B1

E-mail: amino1958@ezweb.ne.jp

Tel. No.: 080-6781-6658
